To make the children realise that Books are the Treasure Chest of Knowledge that help them build language skills and open their minds to different ideas, National Reading Day was observed by the students of classes KG to VIII. The tiny tots of UKG were instilled with the importance of reading and were trained in handling books. Students of class I neatly organised the colourful chits on the outline of a child reading a book. Students of grade II made paper bag puppets with paper bags, decorated it and had conversations with the help of their puppets. Students from classes III to V immersed themselves in creative activities -Badge Making with Favourite Book Quotes, Character Drawing for Pencil Toppers, and Creating 3D Diorama Story Scenes. To capture their reading adventures, students took selfies with their current reads, turning the joy of books into memorable snapshots. Students of classes VI to VIII read books and vibrantly participated in activities like poem writing, map work and made illustrations on their favourite Freedom fighters.Students expressed their love for reading through their energetic participation in all the activities.