Co-curricular Activities

The children who prefer Karate are offered this Japanese martial art which is a striking art using punching, kicking, knee-strikes, elbow-strikes & open-hand techniques that help the children pick up perseverance, fearlessness, virtue and leadership.

Roller Skating is a co-curricular activity which is a perfect way to combine fitness with fun. They learn to increase muscular strength and cardiorespiratory endurance, balance, agility, coordination & flexibility. It is key to weight control.

Music Class
Carnatic music can be opted by students who are interested in music. The voice training helps to bring forth discipline, exceptional concentration and listening skills. It develops vocal cords, improves the quality of speech, removes fear and boosts metabolism.

School Band
The school trains up a music troop who work with instruments such as trumpets, cymbals, drums, etc. and they perform on official functions such as Annual Day, Sports Day and Investiture ceremony.

Western Dance
The school also provides western dance which helps children pick up different dance forms like, Hip-Hop, Break Dancing, Salsa, etc. These genres of dance help children to perform without fear both in school functions and inter-school competitions.

Chess is the best exercise for the brain. It helps stimulate the brain, raises IQ, sparks creativity, increases problem-solving skills, teaches planning and foresight and improves memory.

Yoga classes are conducted on a regular basis for every child from class I-XII. This helps the child’s physical, mental and spiritual development. It also helps them balance the body and mind.

Bharathanatiyam is an ancient traditional dance form which originated in TamilNadu. This dance form helps the child shed shyness, gain discipline, reduce obesity and also augments the mind. Through this art, children gather confidence and become bold enough to face an audience as they perform on stage.

Inter-House Activities
Inter-house competitions and activities are conducted for the children which helps them to exhibit their talents and skills. They go beyond the books & develop into independent learners & performers. These competitions and activities also kindle a spirit of Team work.

The Students are taught Mridangam through appropriate limb/finger movements, use of wrist action, developing 'muscle-memory', significance of balance and coordination, hard/soft touch, sound-sensitivity and many more aspects. The course explores everything pertaining to the proper techniques of playing Mridangam right from the sitting posture and holding the instrument to the use of hands and fingers.

Art Class
Creating art is a great way to engage your mind. When you become immersed in your creation, your brain gets recharged from the focus. Art class is a place where students will explore and experience a variety of painting techniques and approaches to art. Painting class deals with form, color, line, and texture .Through the use of the world outside the classroom, models, drawings, photographs, and imagination, students interpret and express using a variety of materials including acrylic and tempera paint, watercolor, ink, paper and canvas.

Photography Class
We offer basic level photography as a co curricular activity . How to use cameras to capture images, Basic camera setting,understanding the exposure triangle and other aspects of photography are explored . Students are given opportunities to shoot indoor & outdoors to develop their skill. Their photographs are showcased in an annual exhibition where experts interact with them on various topics related to photography.