Ramzan was celebrated by the students of classes I to XII to highlight the importance of celebrating Ramzan and uphold core values. Students of classes I to V exhibited their talents through their thoughtful speeches, captivating skit, tableau depicting the 5 pillars of Islam, inspiring songs and dances. The message highlighting the importance of fasting and details behind the magical word- Bismillah was presented by the teachers.
Students of grades VII and VIII witnessed the Ramzan Celebration by reciting verses from the holy Quran with its explanation in English, a speech in Tamil spotlighting the importance of Ramzan & Fasting, a skit insisting the need to help the people in hunger, the special song and dance made the event a vibrant one.
Students of grades IX to XII reflected the core values of the festival through their prayer, songs, speech on the Ramadan’s Significance and recital of holy verses in Arabic accent, prayer and songs. It was indeed a thought provoking and a memorable event with the energetic participation of the students.