Concentration comes out of a Combination of Confidence and hunger
To inculcate the values confidence and concentration in children a two day CVP camp was organised
by our school for class 7 at Sai Baba Temple.
The camp started with inagural function followed by a small warm – up session conducted by
Acharya Arunachalam Viswanathan to make students prepared for the camp.
The students were motivated through inspiring speeches, video clippings on confidence to bring
out their self – confidence in them and act deligently in crucial situations.
Interesting activities like & Forming a Queue in blind folded, public speaking which improved their self
confidence. Some of the strategies and tips given in the session helped them a lot to improve their
concentration in Studies and sports etc.
Through motivational stories, speech, video Presentation and debates the importance of confidence
and concentration in one’s life to achieve great height was insisted.
In conclusion, the camp was more Interesting, entertaining and informative for students.