Pushpalata Matriculation Higher Secondary School
A place for Growing minds as your child grows. Preparing for Distinction. Seeding futuristic ideas. A tradition of excellence. Creating powerful resource for the future. Moulding for a better future. Our school was Founded on 18th June in the academic year 1986 – 87 with the aim of offering a high standard of education to the children and moulding their character and personality to become good citizen of the country.
We train our children to be self-reliant, self – disciplined, courageous, truthful and humble. So that they can develop leadership qualities. Our school motto is “LOVE, LEARN, LEAD”.
Features of the School

- ACTIVE LEARNING : Active Learning is a model of instruction that focuses the responsibility on learners. They must read, write, discuss or be engaged in solving problems. In short, it is ‘Learning by Doing’ and we teach for understanding. Below is a list of innovative teaching methodologies. MONTESSORI – Adopted for all Kindergarten Children
- MONTESSORI : Adopted for all Kindergarten Children
- MATHS LAB : A spacious and well equipped Maths Lab caters to the needs of the children’s comprehensive and integrated learning, providing them with specific ‘Teaching Learning Methodologies’ (TLM’s) to enhance their problem solving skills in an interactive way by using manipulatives.
- EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES : Extra-curricular and Co-curricular activities are the focal point for sporting and cultural activities. We allot classes once a week during school hours from Class IV to Class VIII. Music, Bharathanatiyam, Yoga, Western Dance, Drawing and Painting, Chess, Karate, Silambam, Photography and Tailoring are being taught to the students according to their choice. Regular evening coaching classes for students happen after school hours. They include – Basketball, Football, Cricket, Swimming, Throwball, Athletics, Tennikoit, Kho Kho, Kabaddi and Badminton.
- ENGLISH LANGUAGE : Students are issued with the Hindu News Paper in School and they are updated with the latest happenings globally. Dictionary Skills – Use of dictionary effectively and understand the meaning and also to improve their vocabulary. Various Inter-house competitions are conducted monthly to bring out the innate talents of the students. To enhance English language skills the students have regular classes on listening and speaking.
- PRP (Pushpalata Reading Program) : Today a Reader. Tomorrow a Leader. To inculcate a strong reading habit among students, school follows PRP as part of the curriculum. One of the basic skills required for language acquisition is Reading. Reading increases confidence, imagination and creativity among children. Specifically designed for the students of Pushpalata Schools, PRP takes into account student's reading and comprehension levels. Through fun storytelling and hands-on activities, the program encourages children to read recommended books. This helps the students to further utilise and engage with the books in the library.
- CROSS-CURRICULUM teaching involves a conscious effort to apply knowledge, principles, and values to more than one academic discipline simultaneously. The disciplines may be related through a central theme, issue, problem, process, topic, or experience. The students are taught how to collaboratively gain knowledge and skills in order to be expert learners. Cross Curriculum helps the students to comprehend the lessons better and also help them in continuous learning even outside the classroom.
- LIFE SKILL TRAINING for Grade XI where Debates, Group Discussions, Guest Faculty Talks are organised.
- NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL OBSERVANCES are celebrated every month where a special assembly is called for the students and various programs are conducted to mark the special observance.
- SMART CLASSROOMS – Smart Classroom is a digital classroom. It has a vast repository of digital instruction materials exactly mapped to meet with the specific objectives laid out by the curriculum. It uses interactive modules like videos, presentations and animated visuals to teach concepts in a better way. Through audio-visual presentations, students get the maximum sensory experience that will enhance their understanding and remain in memory. The students get the best of both World’s Traditional Learning and Cutting Edge Technology.
- COMPUTER LAB – Computer plays a vital role in students’ career development. A well-equipped computer lab has been set up to facilitate the students. The information technology based learning system assists the students to amplify their knowledge and perspectives.
- SCIENCE LAB – “Science is all around us” To illustrate science in multiple dimensions and induce safe practical science activities, a capacious lab with upgraded equipment is provided in our school. It imparts practical knowledge in exploring the world of science through a meticulously planned schedule of practical sessions.
- CHINMAYA VISION PROGRAMME “The Chinmaya Vision Programme (CVP) is a comprehensive education programme that integrates the best of Indian culture and Vedantic philosophy with academic learning”. The CVP is a compendious education to nurture our students to be successful and humanitarian world citizens. It adopts a holistic vision integrating the four pillars of development (Integrated development, Indian Culture, Partiotism and Universal Outlook) which allows them to face life and its challenges positively and dynamically. By inculcating these aspects, our students can generously give back to society in myriad ways.
- VOLUNATARY ORGANISATIONS To groom the youth of our nation into disciplined and patriotic citizens, our school patronizes various Voluntary Organisations like JRC (Junior Red Cross), NGC (National Green Corps) and Bharat Scout and Guides. By enrolling in these organisations, our students are encouraged to tender support to the needy and to protect our environment.
- OLYMPIADS AND COMPETITIVE EXAMS To identify a child’s capability and real potential that may help him / her survive better in today’s modern competitive world. Olympiad exams motivate students to endeavour for better and deeper understanding to scientific facts so as to enhance their reasoning, analytical and problem solving skills. National level exams are conducted by the SOF on the subjects like English, Maths and Science. We encourage our students to participate in the Olympiads and Competitive Exams.
- CAREER GUIDANCE & COUNSELLING To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and guidance of virtue. Our school provides a platform of Career Guidance and Counselling, where our students are updated with multifarious jobs around the world. They are led by the professionals who guide them in choosing their higher education institutions and various competitive examinations conducted for admission into selected courses.
- Why Pushpalata? Students have different levels of learning and retention abilities. The school encourages all the learners to learn at their own pace giving individual care and attention. We provide children an enriched curriculum, broad foundation and wide exposure in academics, sports and co-scholastic activities to meet the needs of today’s competitive and dynamic environment.
School Infrastructure
Our school is located in a spacious five acre serene campus surrounded by trees thus enjoying a cool and pollution free atmosphere. The classrooms are well equipped with ergonomic furniture including group study tables. Separate laboratories for science, WI-FI Enabled Computer Lab and Maths Lab are also available. The classrooms are spacious with a size of 22/20 Sq.ft. Our spacious Library, a treasure of knowledge, has a collection of more than 25,000 books and encyclopaedias. Every class has a library hour and every student is encouraged to read and the reading program monitors their progress.
The acoustical design of the Tapovan Hall meets the specific demands of the performing arts which distinguish the auditorium from a common lecture hall. The Tapovan Hall will provide many students their first introduction to performing arts both as audience and as performers. It provides a pleasant scenario for all types of programme such as Lectures, Students – Resource person interactive sessions, Award Ceremonies, Dramatic play, various competitions and Recitals. Guest Lectures and Seminars are conducted periodically in which specialists from various fields conduct workshops for the students, to inspire and make them acquire profound knowledge.
An Amphitheatre, is an advantage for the outdoor staging of students’ theatrical performances, where the students of PMS get the opportunity to have interactive guest lectures, literary sessions, CVP programs and many more. The serene atmosphere at Ahayam is truly overwhelming.