தமிழ்நாடு அரசு, பள்ளிக்கல்வித் துறை சார்பில் 04.08.2024 அன்று சென்னை நேரு உள்விளையாட்டு அரங்கத்தில் நடைபெற்ற விழாவில், 2023-2024 கல்வியாண்டில்...
Sweet bites of happiness in every bite of delicious biscuits was the slogan chanted by...
Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves’ was...
The CVP camp on Confidence and Concentration for class VII students successfullyprovided valuable insights and...
The Aladi Aruna Memorial and Magnets Chess Academy organised the 3rd Tamil Nadu State LevelChildren’s...
Delving into history and culture! Our Grade 4 and 5 students embarked on a memorablefield...
The Tamil Nadu Professionally Qualified Registered Yoga Teacher’s Welfare Association and ImayamYoga Training Center organised...
“Field Trip is an opportunity for students to see & learn new things.” Class 8...
Our students from Standard III enjoyed an incredible field trip to the Thalayanai region inKalakad,...