‘Join us in saving nature’ was the cute slogan chanted by the younglings of kindergartenwhen...
Grade 1 and 2 students from Pushpalata Matric Hr. Sec. School had a fantastic field...
Class 6–8 children of Pushpalata Matric Hr. Sec. School paid tribute to the valiant soldierswho...
The ‘Love and Live’ CVP camp for Grade 4 students of PMS was a journey...
Our Grade 5 students had an amazing time at the CVP Camp, diving into a...
A fun-n-learn Mango party and mangolicious day was celebrated by younglings ofkindergarten of PMS on...
The Indian Youth Traditional Silambam Association conducted the National Level SilambamChampionship 2024 at the Diocesan...
PMS was magically transformed into a giant chess board where chess pieces take a life...
The Tamil Nadu State Aquatic Association, affiliated with SFI and TNOA, conducted the40th Sub Junior...