The School Management organized a motivational Online session titled “Discover to Develop” on 11th...
The World Ozone Day was celebrated through a Special Online Assembly on 6th September 2020...
Mr. Adhi Valliappan : It was a great privilege to have Mr. Adhi Valliappan, as...
Climate Cartoon Contest : Students from std 1 to 5 participated in the Climate Cartoon...
Co-scholastic classes: We did not forget the co-scholastic activities . Spoken English, Art and P.T...
International Literacy Day: International Literacy day was celebrated on September 8th 2020. The KG children...
World Senior Citizens’ Day: The World Senior Citizen’s Day is celebrated on 21st August each...
World Youth Day: International Youth Day is celebrated on August 12th every year. The theme...
Gokulashtami Day: On August10 Gokulashtami was celebrated In the Primary Section. Children dressed like Gods...