நவராத்திரி விழா : புஷ்பலதா மெட்ரிக் மேல் நிலைப்பள்ளியில் (16.10.2020) அன்று “நவராத்திரி விழா” இறையருளால் இனிதே தொடங்கியது.
“உலக உயிர்கள்...
Ms. Deepika Jeyakodi It was a great privilege to have Ms. Deepika Jeyakodi, as our esteemed...
Start the great cycling revolution. Cycling improves health, saves fuel and also the environment. The students...
WORLD POSTAL DAY The World Postal Day was celebrated on the 9th October 2020. Children from...
Animal Welfare Day: Animal Welfare Day was celebrated on 5th October 2020 for classes 1 to...
Food Day: Food day was celebrated on 8th October 2020. This online celebration was organised for...
INTERNATIONAL DAY OF DEMOCRACY The International Day of Democracy was celebrated through an Online Special Assembly...
ENGINEER’S DAY The National Engineer’s Day was celebrated through a Special Online Assembly on 15th September...