“Dads are the most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers...
“By protecting our oceans, we are preserving them for the next generation to enjoy.” To imbue...
The World Blood Donor Day was observed on 14th June 2021. The children of the...
A webinar was conducted on World Wetlands Day by Dr Ignacy Arockyaa SJ, Vice-Principal and...
சுகி சிவம் : புஷ்பலதா பள்ளிக்குழுமம் வளையொலியில் 09.01.2021 சனிக்கிழமையன்று மாலை 6 மணிக்கு மார்கழித்திருவிழாவிற்கு மகுடமாக சொல்வேந்தர் சுகி சிவம்...
World sparrow day was observed on 20th march 2021.The theme for the world sparrow day...
Kite Making Kite making activity was conducted for our children for “National Kite Flying Day”. ...
St. Francis Xavier Engineering college conducted various competitions on Republic Day. Our student R. Deeptikashri...
National Science Day was observed on 28 th February 2021. The children performed a roleplay...