Field trips were organised for the children of Classes 6 to 8. The Students from Class 6 went to the Aavin Milk Factory and the Government Museum in Tirunelveli. The children were taught on the process of filtering, milk fat separation, and pasteurization. Later they were taken to the Government Museum where they saw many artefacts. They also saw a film about Umaithurai. The students from class 8 were taken to Tirunelveli's Ukkirankottai's Suzlon Windmill Station. An explanation on how the Wind Turbine Generator (WIG) works and the way kinetic energy is converted into electricity and about the production of power using wind energy was given to them. The Class 7 students were taken to Tirunelveli's Britannia Biscuit Company and Government Museum. Information on the procedures involved in biscuit making were told to them.