Date : 07.09.2022 & 08.09.2022
Class : Std XI
Topic : Vaiyathalamaikol
Resource Person : Swami VigneshChaitanya
CVP Program on the topic Vaiyathalamaikol was conducted for Std XI students. Swami VigneshChaitanya was the resource person for the program. At first he discussed about the Emotional disturbances of the students. Then he made the students to think about the skills, values and knowledge which were important for a successful life.
Ice Breaking Bingo Activities were conducted. After this, students were divided into ten groups. Swamiji discussed about IKIGAI – the purpose of life. He explained about IKIGAI, through that he made the students think about their purpose of life.
Each student individually prepared a Chart on IKIGAI. They wrote about their Passion, Mission, Vocation, Professionin their Life. Then they made a collage with news paper cuttings.
Swamiji discussed about the leadership qualities such as Communication, Knowledge, Skills, Values etc. After the discussion each team chose a team leader and a name for their team.
Team games were conducted, and SWOT Analysis worksheet was prepared. In that worksheet they wrote their Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, Opportunities.
The 2nd day session started with the story of MahabaliChakravarthyin lieu ofOnam festival. Also he discussed about the purpose and culture behind the festival.
He discussed about the values, which were important in life to become successful. He asked the students to draw a tree and label the tree parts with values.
To drop the fear and negativity, swallowing fire cotton ball activity was conducted. After the activity he discussed about the pride informations of our ancient India.
Then a Mock Parliament activity was conducted. From each team two representatives participated. They discussed about their Bills and Memorandum.
Team games were conducted. After the games Swami Jiteshji spoke about truthfulness of the life and its importance.
Then Swamiji concluded the session with his valuable thoughts, which were important for everyone to become a successful leader in their life.