Here are our PBIS students with full of energy and excitement wearing adorable crowns to convey the message, “The wait is over and we are back to school.”
We take great delight to inform that our student Siva Ranjani Subash of Grade 9, secured 1st rank at the school, state and national level for her creative thinking via InnoVenture 2021. Congratulations
“A bicycle ride around the world begins with a single pedal stroke”. Veera of Grade 7 completed his longest ride of 72 km from Tirunelveli to Uvari in 4 hours. Bravo cyclist!
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it”. Our warmest wishes to Steena Jones of Grade 1, Ian Anthony Prince of Grade 3 and Siddeshwaran S of Grade 7 for winning the Robotics National Level Competition 2021. Congratulations!