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The 74 th Republic Day was celebrated with full zeal and patriotic fervour at PBISunder the guidance of our beloved Correspondent, Mrs.Pushpalata Poorananand our Principal, Mr. Godwin S. Lamuel on 26 January 2023. It’s a day, whichevery Indian is proud of. The event started with 
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At PBIS, we took the lead with a grand celebration of Pongal. We celebratedPongal, the harvest festival which symbolises happiness, prosperity and joywith full fervour. The event was conducted for the entire school to feature allthe fun and joyful activities that are indulged in during 
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PBIS conducted its first ever Kinderlympics, three days of sporting celebrationfor the kindergarten, from December 1 to 3, 2022.  The first day begun with an inaugural ceremony presided by the seniorprincipal of Pushpalata Schools Mrs. Pushpaveni Ayyappan and thecorrespondent Mrs. Pushpalatha Pooranan.  Students of PBIS Kindergarten putup 
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Diwali is one of the most popular festivals celebrated all over India, whichsymbolizes the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil andknowledge over ignorance “. We at PBIS celebrated the festival with full fervorand enthusiasm. The celebration was presided over by our belovedCorrespondent, 
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Ganesh Chaturthi was celebrated with divine fervour and joy at PBIS.Festivals build group cohesiveness, inform, educate, break themonotony of routine and give us a chance to reenergize our body,mind and spirit. All students of the primary classes performedmesmerising performances.Children from Pre KG sang beautiful songs. 
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At PBIS, the language club activities were held with innovative ideas to keepthe thrill and throb alive in the students. All students were engaged in aningenious and expressive activities, brushing up their inventive skills andartistic flair. Activities were conducted in all three languages – Tamil, 
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At PBIS, our children from Grades 5 to AS Level had their Sleepover Night on 23April. Children in a convivial atmosphere had lots of fun. The evening startedwith a diversionary treasure hunt game, in which all children participated withfull enthusiasm followed by a relaxing game 
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PBIS – Kinder Bash At PBIS, our kindergarteners enjoyed the ‘Kinder Bash’ – in an elegant castle setting on 22nd of April 2022. All girls were dressed up like the characters of the fairy tales, Cinderella & Snow white. All boys were looking charming princes 
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PBIS celebrates 10 Years; Alumni inaugurated – 09.04.2022 PBIS celebrated its 10 years of successfully delivering Cambridge Curriculum, UK in a grand occasion that also inaugurated the PBIS Alumni. The occasion was presided by Guest of honour Mr. Dilip Kottapadath, Manager, South India, Cambridge Assessment 
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PBIS congratulates Siva Ranjini of Grade 9 for her achievement as a ‘National Semi-finalist’. She has secured 4th rank at the state level and 24th rank at the national level in India’s 1st National Level Ideation and Entrepreneurship Challenge conducted by InnoVenture.
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